This week’s Village Wild video series, presented by Dietrich Law, comes from Timo Kontkanen in Virgil, ON, where a captivating late-night scene unfolded.
In his video, a group of five coyotes is caught on camera as they roam the area, seemingly in search of a late-night snack. A rare and fascinating glimpse into the nocturnal habits of these intelligent creatures, Timo’s video showcases the beauty of wildlife thriving in our communities.
Watch the video to experience this unique moment and marvel at the resourceful nature of coyotes under the cover of night.
If you ever encounter a coyote in person, it’s important to know how to stay safe. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:
Stay Calm: Avoid sudden movements or loud noises that could startle the animal.
Make Yourself Big: Stand tall, wave your arms, and appear larger to discourage the coyote from approaching.
Maintain Eye Contact: Don’t turn your back or run, as this could trigger the coyote’s instinct to chase.
Make Noise: Clap your hands, shout firmly, or use a whistle to scare the coyote away.
Keep Pets Close: If you’re with pets, keep them on a leash and pull them close to you.
Back Away Slowly: Move backward slowly while maintaining eye contact until you’re at a safe distance.
Avoid Feeding Coyotes: Never feed wild animals, as it encourages them to associate humans with food.
Report Aggressive Behaviour: If a coyote acts unusually bold or aggressive, contact local wildlife authorities.
How to Participate in Village Wild: Video of the month
Submitting your entry is easy. Simply fill out the submission form and upload your video or add a link to the video along with a brief description.
Each month, our Village Life team will randomly select and announce a Video of the Month award winner. The user who submitted the video will receive a gift card as a token of appreciation for sharing their unique footage with our readers.