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ICYMI: Thousands of Gannets gather to hatch their young in Quebec

This Village Wild video captures the awe-inspiring migration of thousands of Gannets to Île Bonaventure Island in Quebec, where they hatch and raise their young before embarking on their return journey.

This summer, as part of our Village Wild video series, presented by Dietrich Law, we featured a video submitted by Naveen N. that was taken in Île Bonaventure, Percé, QC.

In this Village Wild video submission, we hope you'll be amazed by a breathtaking avian spectacle. As the camera initially focuses on a single bird, it gradually pans back to reveal a stunning scene: thousands of birds coming into view, creating an awe-inspiring display of nature’s beauty.

During a visit to Île Bonaventure Island in Quebec, Naveen witnessed an incredible sight: thousands of Gannet birds hatching their young. These remarkable birds migrate from the Gulf of Mexico and Florida to Île Bonaventure each year.

According to Naveen, around 70,000 Gannets make this journey annually to breed and raise their chicks in the safety of the island. By the end of the breeding season, the population swells, with approximately 105,000 birds embarking on their return journey. This phenomenon highlights the resilience and instinctual behaviour of these remarkable seabirds. 

"I am very happy that I was able to capture these spectacular birds with my phone and share it with Village Media," added Naveen.

How to Participate in Village Wild: Video of the month

Submitting your entry is easy. Simply fill out the submission form and upload your video or add a link to the video along with a brief description.