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The EU's new hand luggage rules: What you really need to know

Here are the facts to make sure you’re not caught off guard at the airport

As of September 2024, there’s been a lot of talk about changes to the European Commission’s hand luggage rules, and if you’ve been reading up on it, you’ve probably come across some confusing or conflicting information. These days, many influencers writing travel articles use AI technology to help write them, and I decided to see what would happen if I asked an AI platform about these new rules. The result? It got almost everything wrongLuckily I knew better. This is why I always tell my kids, don’t take the easy way out and know your stuff! Travel is my career, my life as well as my hobby. I keep up to date on all things travel and always try to make sure you have the correct information. 

So, here are the actual facts - straight from the source - to make sure you’re not caught off guard at the airport.

What’s really changing with hand luggage rules?

  1. The 100ml liquid rule is back in force If you were excited about the possibility of bringing full-sized bottles of liquids in your carry-on, I’m sorry to say that’s not happening just yet. Despite plans to relax the 100ml liquid rule with the introduction of advanced scanners, many EU airports have had to revert to the old rules. That means you’re still limited to carrying liquids, gels, and creams in containers of 100ml or less, packed into a small, clear plastic bag (roughly 20cm x 20cm). These need to be removed from your luggage and placed in a separate tray during security checks.

  2. Why the u-turn? The plan was to roll out advanced CT scanners that would make airport security smoother by allowing passengers to keep their liquids and electronics in their bags. Unfortunately, technical problems and delays have forced many airports to put those plans on hold and go back to the old regulations. Even airports that managed to install the new scanners have faced issues, leading to the re-imposition of the 100ml rule.

  3. No new standardized hand luggage sizes You might have heard that the EU was planning to introduce standardized hand luggage sizes for all airlines. That’s another myth. While there have been discussions, no new rules have been implemented, so the size and weight limits for your hand luggage still depend on the airline you’re flying with.

How this affects your travel plans

If you’re travelling through an EU airport, you’ll need to stick to the 100ml rule for liquids in your carry-on. This could mean you need to check a bag if you’re carrying more than the limit allows, which might result in extra costs and longer waits. If you’re flying into the EU from another country, remember that the 100ml rule will still apply on your return trip, even if your departure airport uses the new scanners.

How long will these rules last?

The European Commission has stated that this return to the old rules is temporary, but there’s no clear end date in sight. The situation depends on when the technical issues with the scanners can be resolved, so it’s a bit of a waiting game.

Tips to make sure you’re prepared

  1. Pack your liquids smartly Stick to 100ml containers for all liquids, gels, and creams, and place them in a clear plastic bag. Keep the bag easily accessible to speed up your time at security.

  2. Double-check your airline’s policies Since hand luggage size rules haven’t changed, make sure you know your airline’s specific requirements before you pack. This will help you avoid any last-minute surprises or extra fees.

  3. Arrive early at the airport The return of the old rules could mean longer security lines, so give yourself some extra time to get through. Arriving earlier than usual can save you from rushing or missing your flight.

  4. Stay informed Things could change, so keep an eye out for any updates from the EU or your airline. Being aware of the latest information can help you navigate these rules without a hitch.


There’s been a lot of misinformation out there about the EU’s new hand luggage rules, and it’s easy to see how things got mixed up. But now you’ve got the correct details. The 100ml liquid rule is back, and while it’s a bit of a step backward, it’s important to follow these rules to avoid the hassle of having to throw away expensive toiletries at security.

The key takeaway? Don’t just google new rules, always check with your airline and make sure you’re up to date on the rules before you head to the airport.

Reach Me or Travel with me and coming soon Maldives in February, my 60th Birthday cruise in April from Las Palmas and Tanzania. 

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