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Savvy traveller's playbook: Lorraine’s essential travel tips

This week Lorraine shares some personal insights and habits that can make your trip great

As someone who’s navigated the globe and checked off over 100 countries from my travel list, I've come to see travel as an exquisite blend of adventure and science. It’s about finding that sweet spot between spontaneity and meticulous planning. Here, I’d love to share some personal insights and habits that have transformed my journeys from good to great.

Planning and comfort: Making every trip a breeze

Book the earliest flight you can to your destination. Morning flights are less likely to experience delays. As the day progresses, any small delays accumulate and can disrupt later flights. By choosing an early departure, you sidestep the backlog effect, increasing your chances of departing on time. Moreover, if your flight does face a cancellation, being scheduled on an early flight gives you more flexibility to rebook on subsequent flights the same day. This can be a lifesaver, especially if you have connecting flights or important events planned upon your arrival.

When it comes to flying, I like to say: “Check in early, board relaxed.” I always set an alarm for 24 hours before my flight to do the online check in right on the dot. This little trick lets me snag the best available seat. I have a strong preference for window seats and if I am flying long haul then I will prebook and pay for my seat as I really don’t want to risk  being stuck in the middle for 14 hours - that is no fun, been there done that! 

Arriving at the airport three hours or more before a flight is another habit of mine. It might sound overcautious, but it’s saved me from countless stressful situations. Once I’m past security, I head straight to the lounge. Airport lounges are my pre-flight sanctuary, where I can enjoy a bit of calm before the storm. And here’s a little secret: you don’t need to be flying first class to get in. Many lounges offer day passes, and they’re worth every penny for the peace they provide.

In-flight essentials: Keeping cozy and safe

I travel so much that taking care of my skin has become a ritual. The air up there is dry, so I slather a heavy night cream on my face and hands to keep my skin hydrated. And because window seats expose you to UVA rays, I never board without sunscreen. Yes, even on a plane, SPF is your best friend!

Let's talk about in-flight comfort. A good travel pillow is a game changer. Rather than the typical neck pillow, I opt for one that offers full lateral support - it lets me nod off without the notorious neck droop. Or you can position your neck pillow back to front, that works quite well too. I also like either a sling for my feet or an inflatable footrest for long haul if I am in economy. 

Safety is just as crucial above the clouds as it is on the ground. It’s an unfortunate reality, but thieves operate in all walks of life, including at 35,000 feet. I always keep my valuables close in my under-seat bag and my carry-on in the overhead bin in front or, ideally right across the aisle from me so I can keep an eye on it without straining my neck, Never behind! 

Tech savvy: Travelling efficiently

Here’s a tech tip: before you leave home, download maps for offline use. Roaming charges can be a nightmare, and having offline maps has saved me more times than I can count. I also keep all my critical travel documents in a digital wallet - boarding passes, hotel confirmations, you name it. It’s one less thing to worry about losing. I give all my clients a specially created app which not only keeps all the documents together but includes maps, tips and even flight updates like gate changes or delays. 

Engaging with the culture: Local know-how

Learning a few phrases in the local language isn’t just polite, it can also open doors that remain closed to typical tourists. A friendly "thank you" or "good morning" in the local dialect can work wonders. And when it comes to food, I always follow this rule: eat where the locals eat. The food is not only authentic and delicious, but it’s also usually cheaper than what you’ll find in the tourist traps.

And a final piece of advice - get to those must-see attractions early in the morning. It’s the best way to avoid crowds and fully appreciate the beauty and tranquility of the place. Book a skip the line ticket and if possible a combo ticket to save you money. 

Travel is a journey, and every journey should be as smooth as it is exciting. By sharing these tips, I hope to help you travel smarter, with the comfort and confidence that come from being well-prepared. Here’s to making your next trip the best one yet!

If you would like to find any of the items I suggested you can use my link here where I have sorted through thousands of travel gadgets, games, clothes and luggage to show you the highest rates or my personal favourites. 

Here are my trips you can join me on ;

Bridgerton’s England June 10th 2025

Tanzania and Zanzibar November 2024

South Africa in Mandelas Footsteps July 2025

Instagram @lorraineSimpsontravels 

Our Irish cottages to rent @lemonadecottagesireland 


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