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These are the cheapest medical schools in Canada

Keep in mind that this list includes some of the highest ranked schools in the globe.

When it comes to pursuing a medical education, aspiring students often consider factors like reputation, quality of education, and, of course, affordability.

Canada has emerged as an attractive destination for international students seeking economical options without compromising on the excellence of their medical studies.

Today, we explore the list of the cheapest medical schools in Canada, courtesy of NYSCInfo, a reliable website catering to Nigerian students seeking international scholarships and general career advice.

But before anyone associates the word "cheap" with anything of a negative note, the website said the information is from a list of "the 15 Most Affordable Medical Schools in Canada, which includes some of the highest ranked schools in the globe."

The website said international students might be drawn to the inexpensive cost of attending some schools of higher education in Canada.

"Whatever the case may be, the list above includes several extremely high-ranking universities in Canada, as well as some very economical medical schools in Canada," said the website.

Of the "top 10" on the list, the University of Alberta, one of Canada’s largest universities, ranked number one. This low-cost medical school in Canada includes four campuses in Edmonton, as well as buildings in Calgary and Camrose. Other schools on the list include McMaster University in Hamilton, the University of Toronto and the University of Western Ontario.

Top 10 Cheap Medical Schools In Canada

  1. University of Alberta (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry)

  2. University of Northern British Columbia (Faculty of Medicine)

  3. University of Calgary (Cumming School of Medicine)

  4. University of Saskatchewan (College of Medicine)

  5. University of Manitoba (College of Medicine)

  6. University of Toronto (Faculty of Medicine)

  7. Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry

  8. McMaster University Medical School

  9. Northern Ontario School of Medicine

  10. McGill University (Faculty of Medicine)

The website advises students that there are no free tuition for foreign students in Canada seeking to get a higher level of education. The website also said while tuition is not free, it is inexpensive.

For international students aspiring to pursue a medical degree in Canada, the above-listed institutions provide an array of affordable options without compromising on the quality of education.

The combination of renowned academic excellence and reasonable tuition fees makes these schools prime choices for students seeking to fulfill their medical aspirations within a budget. Remember, investing in education is an investment in your future, and these universities in Canada make that investment a financially viable and rewarding one.