Auto thefts in Canada reached "historical" highs in 2022, driven by thefts in Ontario and Quebec—up 48% and 50%, respectively— according to a new report.
Équité Association, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to combating insurance crime, has released its annual Top 10 Most Stolen Vehicles in Canada for 2022, shedding light on a disconcerting surge in auto thefts. Topping the notorious list for the second consecutive year is the Honda CR-V, emblematic of a concerning trend in the criminal underworld.
The report, which delves into the unsettling reality of auto theft in the Great White North, reveals a troubling pattern. Criminals, seemingly unfazed by the law, have set their sights on newer models, with nine out of the ten most stolen vehicles being 2019 or newer.
According to the report, vehicles are being stolen by both domestic and international criminal organizations, with proceeds funding domestic drug trafficking, and international terrorism.
Ontario's Top Targets: Unveiling the Regional Impact
Zooming into Ontario, the province grapples with its own set of alarming statistics. The 2020 Honda CR-V takes the ignominious crown as the most commonly stolen vehicle in 2022, accounting for a whopping 2,684 thefts. Following closely behind is the 2020 Lexus RV Series, with 1,707 reported thefts, and the 2022 Dodge Ram 1500 Series, trailing at 1,405 thefts in the same period.

Canada's National Auto Theft Landscape: A Widespread Predicament
On a national scale, the 2020 Honda CR-V maintains its dubious distinction as the most pilfered vehicle, with a staggering 5,620 reported thefts in 2022. The 2022 Dodge Ram 1500 Series follows suit, accounting for 2,600 thefts, while the 2020 Ford F150 Series claims the unenviable third spot with 1,833 reported thefts.

"The auto theft problem in our country is only getting worse," said Bryan Gast, VP, Investigative Services at Équité Association. "Organized crime continues to look to Canada as a source nation for stolen vehicles where the financial reward is high and the risk of prosecution is low. We continue to work with partners and stakeholders to provide expert vehicle examinations, expertise in insurance crime investigations and to share intelligence and analytics to predict and prevent insurance crimes."
In an unprecedented twist, Canadian private auto insurers found themselves shelling out a staggering $1.2 billion in theft claims in 2022. This financial burden falls squarely on the shoulders of Canadian consumers already grappling with inflation and affordability issues.
The impact is palpable, and citizens are left paying more to cover the burgeoning costs associated with the rising tide of auto theft.